The General Applet Interface Library

The goal of this library is to give programmers a simple yet powerful applet interface.
This library supports at the moment Dockapps/wmapplets, ROX panel applet and Gnome 2 Panel Applets. The applet program doesn't have to care about if the applet will be used on the Gnome panel or in the dock. The library handles that.
Over 50% of the code in a Dockapp and a Gnome 2 Panel applet does actully only one thing, setting up the applet window. With GAI, this can be reduced to just a few lines of code.
See the documentation section for more details.

Latest stable version is 0.5.10 and can be downloaded here:
gai-0.5.10.tar.bz2 (282kb)

Older versions and other project information can be found at:
Gai's Souceforge project page.

GAI applets and GAI itself for Mandrake might be found here:

Jonas Aaberg