Status of different WindowManagers
Please mail me the status of untested window managers,
specially if there is a problem!
Afterstep - ?.??.?
* Untested!
BlackBox - 0.64.0alpha7
* Works fine with default settings!
Enlightenment - 0.16.5
* Use default settings.
* Ignores the wanted size. Applets are always 64x64 large.
* The applet doesn't recieve any keypresses nor button presses.
* Tooltip isn't show
* Hide mouse pointer doesn't work
I suggest you use the --gai-broken-wm and set sticky, remember
settings and such things in enlightenment and start the applet
in your .xinitrc
FluxBox - 0.1.14
* Works fine with default settings!
Fvwm2 - 2.4.7
* Works with default settings, if you configure your .fvwm2rc file correctly.
Example: *FvwmButtons: (2x2, Swallow pal `Exec pal`)
* The dock doesn't care about the wanted size.
Fvwm95 - ?
* Not tested!
Gnome 1.x.x (No window manager really)
* Not supported!
Gnome 2.0.x (No window manager really)
* Works fine!
Gnome 2.2.x (No window manager really)
* Works fine!
HackBox - ?.??.??
* Not tested!
IceWM - 1.2.2
* No dock found! (Wrong?)
KDE windowmanger - ?
* Not tested.
Metacity - ?
* Not tested
Sawfish - 1.0.1
* No dock found! (Wrong?)
TWM - ?
* Has no dock! (Wrong?)
Waimea - 0.4.0
* Works fine with default settings!
WindowMaker - 0.80.1
* Works when the --gai-window-maker is on.
* Applet size is always 64x64 (Wrong?)
* Neither mouse clicks nor keypresses are recieved by the applet.
* Tooltip text isn't shown
* Background is never changed when once set.
* Hide mouse pointer doesn't work.
XFCE - 3.8.18
* Dock is missing? (Wrong?)
Jonas Aaberg